Tag Archives: art


I’m done feeling so unsure of myself.

I have gone so long taking in what others have told me.

But I never really listened to myself.

I want to take in my own power and hold to them.

Listening to what I say and feel and not others.

I am still very flawed and I love that.

I want to embrace all of them.

I Ordered An Electric Pottery Wheel

Okay, so hear me out. In an attempt to shake up my quarantine routine activities I thought I would take up pottery making. I got the clay, I already have paint, I got the gloss, and now I am waiting on the wheel.

I have been watching countless videos on how to throw my clay and I couldn’t wait to dive in. Except today when I questioned if I am just going quarantine crazy and realized I wouldn’t normally buy a pottery wheel.

Don’t get me wrong I am very excited to start this new hobby but what about quarantine is making me want to do all of these new arts and crafts? Why am I bored of my routine already though I stuck to a routine throughout the other days of the year without a problem?

I think though I am sticking to a routine, I am getting bored because the whole day is kind of like bleh. There are no extreme ups and downs as there were normally and my whole life is kind of feeling like I am stuck on a self care Sunday island… and I was starting to feel antsy on the island.

So I decided I wanted to make pottery. And that is what I am going to do and I think it is a healthy way to channel my energy. I will keep you updated on my progress and if you have any tips please please comment down below.